Metal free orthopedic foot and ankle surgery

Metal Free Orthopedic Surgery

Metal-free orthopedic foot and ankle surgery is an innovative approach aimed at addressing various foot and ankle conditions without using traditional metal implants.  Instead, these surgeries are performed using biocompatible materials such as high-strength polymers, ceramics, or bio-resorbable materials that integrate more naturally with the body. The primary advantage of metal-free implants is that they reduce the risk of complications associated with metal implants, such as allergic reactions, metal sensitivity, metal corrosion over time, and issues related to mechanical irritation of the surrounding tissues from the implant itself.  Because metal-free implants eventually go away the need for a second surgery to remove painful or problematic hardware is eliminated.

Another significant advantage of metal-free implants is their compatibility with medical imaging techniques. Metal implants can create artifacts or distortions in imaging tests like MRI and CT scans, which can make postoperative evaluations and future diagnostics more challenging.  Metal-free implants on the other hand generally do not interfere with these imaging technologies and allow for more accurate assessments of the surgical site and surrounding tissues after surgery.  This enhanced imaging capability can be especially beneficial in diagnosing any potential issues that may arise after surgery.

Bio-integrative orthopedic implants represent the next step in the field of metal free orthopedic surgery.  While bio-resorbable implants leave a void in the bone as they gradually resorb, bio-integrative implants are made from materials that can integrate with biological tissues, actually becoming part of the body over time.  Bio-integrative implants provide a scaffold or support for bone repair as they enhance the body's natural healing processes.  Unlike traditional metal implants, which remain in the body indefinitely and may sometimes cause complications, bio-integrative implants have fewer potential adverse reactions as they actually turn into bone.

Despite numerous benefits, metal-free orthopedic foot and ankle surgery still has some limitations.  While FDA approved bio-integrative screws, staples, anchors, and smaller nails are currently available, bio-integrative plates and larger nails are still under development.  The orthopedic surgeons at the Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration have extensive experience in bio-integrative implants.  Some of our current applications include fracture fixation, forefoot deformity including bunion surgery, fusions around the foot and ankle, and soft tissue reconstructions requiring bone anchors.  Please contact us if you are interested in discussing safe and effective alternatives to metal implants.


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